Contact the Media
Bangladesh is on the brink of civil war. Muslims are being targeted by the government and the government-led War Crimes Tribunal.
The media hasn't been covering this issue well. There have been some outlets who have done thorough, balanced reporting on the Tribunals, but others who haven't reported on it at all or who have only reported one side.
We must urge the media to investigate and report on Bangladesh in a fair and meaningful way.
- Write to and call the media outlets listed below.
- Request that their journalist cover the news in Bangladesh from both the perspective the government supporters and the opposition parties.
- Request that the media outlet investigate and fully understand the causes of the conflict and expose the government's human rights track record.
- Request that the media investigate the Tribunal and highlight the fact that the Tribunal procedures are severely corrupt and not in accordance with international human rights standards.
- Highlight that these corrupt procedures are handing out death sentences that are to be implemented very shortly, leaving little time for legal recourse.
- Highlight the fact that the example being set by the government and the Tribunal can set a very bad precedent in Bangladesh and throughout the region.
- Be brief, clear and to the point. Follow the bullet points below.
- If you are a member of an organization, it's best to send a letter from that organization. Those official letters tend to carry more weight.
- Write a personalized letter. If you are gathering a group of friends to work on letters, it's fine to collaborate, but don't copy each other's letters.
- More than 250,000 cases have been booked against Islamic scholars and activists while 30,000 of them are already in detention.
- Maulana Delwar Hossain Sayeedi, Bangladesh's most renowned Quranic scholar, has been sentenced to death by an illegitimate and corrupt Tribunal.
- The judges who delivered the verdict had not heard all the evidence and witness testimonies. It is apparent that the verdict was pre-ordained.
- More than 70 people have been killed during riots after the sentence was announced on Feb. 28, 2013. The government has not acted to quell the violence.
- While the local media is extremely polarized on reporting the incidents in Bangladesh, the international media has not fully explored or understood the underlying issues that are causing the violence in Bangladesh.
New York Times
The Executive Editor
The New York Times
620 Eighth Ave.
New York, NY 10018
Phone: (212) 556-1234
Washington Post
Martin Baron
Executive Editor
The Washington Post
1150 15th Street NW
Washington, DC 20071
Phone: (202) 334-6000
Al Jazeera
Bureau Chief
New York Office
Al Jazeera International Inc
405 E 42nd Street
New York, NY 10017-350
Associated Press, New York
Howard Goldberg
Chief of Bureau
(212) 621-7932
New York, NY 10018
Phone: (212) 556-1234
Washington Post
Martin Baron
Executive Editor
The Washington Post
1150 15th Street NW
Washington, DC 20071
Phone: (202) 334-6000
Al Jazeera
Bureau Chief
New York Office
Al Jazeera International Inc
405 E 42nd Street
New York, NY 10017-350
Associated Press, New York
Howard Goldberg
Chief of Bureau
(212) 621-7932
Associated Press, D.C.
John Pain
Chief of Bureau
(202) 641-9660
BBC News
Room 7540
BBC Television Centre
Wood Lane
W12 7RJ